
A Communications Professional gets the Star Treatment
Virtual Reality
Ten years ago I took the leap of faith to begin Nomiss Communication. Looking back at how the business has grown – and pondering what’s in store for the future – I realize more than anything how much the world has changed in a decade. In 2005, I was just barely learning a new phenomenon called Facebook. Social media was a blip on the radar screen compared to what it is today. Then, I was merely...
Sticks and Stones
Bullies have existed since the dawn of time. And, they will continue into the future. When I was a kid, they only existed once I left the house and found them at recess, in the cafeteria and as I waited for the bus before and after school. Now, with computers in virtually every home, cyberbullying has become the forefront of a battle that is being fought by parents and even politicians. Scary as...
Miss Communication
I’m hung up on social media. Both its pros and its cons. As a professional, I will use it to my every possible means. To spread news about my clients; to perk ideas for stories – and it works nine times out of 10. Twenty years ago, that wasn’t possible. Heck, 10 years ago it wasn’t possible like it is today. Need to say something? Instagram it. Post it. Snapchat it. Pin it. Put it on You Tube....
Social NOTworking
I’m perplexed by the way in which the social network is being used. I fear we may be entering into a danger zone. A zone where we are slowly moving away from REAL communication and into VIRTUAL communication. Communication is supposed to be a dialogue, yet when leaning solely on social media – and the internet as a whole – the communicator is in monologue mode. That’s dangerous. In many ways,...